Moments of self-doubt and setbacks

It’s common to feel like you are overthinking and underachieving at times, and it can be frustrating and discouraging. However, it’s important to remember that everyone has moments of self-doubt and setbacks, and it’s a normal part of the learning and growth process.

If you feel like you are overthinking and underachieving, there are a few things you can try to help overcome these feelings:

Set clear goals: Having specific, achievable goals can help you stay focused and motivated. Make a list of your goals and break them down into smaller, actionable tasks.

Take breaks: Sometimes, overthinking can lead to burnout and reduced productivity. Taking breaks can help you recharge and come back to tasks with fresh perspective.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you stay present and focused, and can reduce stress and anxiety. Try incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing, into your daily routine.

Seek support: It can be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings of overthinking and underachieving. Consider seeking the support of a friend, family member, or therapist.

Be kind to yourself: Remember that it’s okay to make mistakes and that you are learning and growing. Be kind to yourself and try to focus on your progress, rather than dwelling on setbacks.

By setting clear goals, taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, seeking support, and being kind to yourself, you can work towards overcoming feelings of overthinking and underachieving. Remember to be patient with yourself and focus on the progress you are making.

Be productive

What is the defference between poor and rich ?

It’s the productivity. How much you are able to contribute is the difference between rich nd poor. Not the money.

Money is generally considered as the standard parameter when it comes to how rich a person is or how poor he or she is.

But the reality is, money is just the output of what we produce in order to bring value to the world. Hence our perspective about rich or poor needs to be changed, far away from the money. One needs to understand and realise that there is more to being rich or poor. Money is just one of the outcomes of your valuable efforts or contribution.

Thinks for a second, everyone who is rich is able to contribute to the society in some way or the other.

But this is not true for the poor. Someone who is poor is unable to contribute to society. He does not even thinks bout contributing anything to society. He is engulfed by the small mindset and just want to feed himself. Poor does not even wants to solve any social problem. Poor does not bring anything to the table. No value. No money.

That is how the world works. Everyone who is bringing some value to the table is ble to get rich. Anyone who is helping the world in any way is out of poverty. Anyone who is not concerned about feeding just himself is not poor.

Rich are those who are able to contribute and poor are those who are not contributing.

If you think about the difference between rich and poor in terms of their contribution. You will realise that poverty is not a problem to be solved by charities or freebies or ny other schemes or subsidies.

It’s simply the outcome of once actions and inactions. If someone starts doing something for the society, he won’t be poor at all. He will be able to earn money which is sufficient. And if it’s not sufficient than he or she is not doing enough. Simple.

With is approach we can say that poor are those who are unable to serve the society and rich are those who are actively surving the society.

So when there are more poor than rich one should know that not many people are actually doing enough which expected of them. Or what they should be capable of doing.

Hence with this approach you can measure that the being poor is a measure of your inability to do something, it’s the measure of incompetency and inactivity.

So, Start treating poverty as one the indicator of incompetency, lack of excellence, lack of value and lack of skills, lack of enterprising nd entrepreneurial mindset.

That is the difference between rich and poor. Rich are more competent, they have excellence, they bring value and they are enterprising as well as entrepreneurial.

All of this comes down to one thing. Your individual productivity. Those who are rich, are more productive than others. Poor are those who are not productive enough.

So if you want to be rich, think about being more productive. That’s it. That’s the only solution for eliminating poverty from your life and that is – BE PRODUCTIVE.

Cryptocurrency: The Future of Financial Freedom or a Scam?

Thanks to blockchain tehcnology, the world is moving towards faster and secure digital payments. And Cryptocurrency is the answer to all your questions related to financial freedom.

What is a Cryptocurrency?

It’s a digital currency that is not controlled by any government or central authority and it works and trades like any other currency. It allows the user to send money, make payments, buy goods and even raise funds for certain projects. When, Why and How it Came into existence? Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to have its birth in 2009, and since then there have been many other cryptocurrencies created, such as Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin. What Is it Used For? The primary function of cryptocurrencies is to allow the user to exchange money at almost no cost. These cryptocurrencies are also used to buy and sell other digital products such as albums, video games, apps, gifts, cryptocurrencies and so on. How is Cryptocurrency Valuable?

The Future of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum make the payments secure and faster. Cryptocurrencies allow the transactions to happen even in the absence of a bank or a transaction partner. Due to the increasing usage of Cryptocurrencies, they have already gained trust and are easily accepted by most of the people across the globe. Thus, Cryptocurrencies are the future and they might help you with your financial freedom. Do I Need Cryptocurrency to Make Financial Transactions? Cryptocurrencies are not based on any bank or a digital payment company. Hence, there are no transaction fees or any other charges that come with your normal payment transaction.

Myths and Misconceptions about Cryptocurrency

When it comes to digital payments, let’s take the example of Bitcoin. People are looking forward to cashless payments and the cash-to-digital cash ratio in the country is close to 0:1. So, how can you manage that? Bitcoin allows people to avoid using credit cards and internet banking. But is it the real deal? Let’s find out. Myth 1: Bitcoins are a scam! A scam or a fraud means something that is dishonest, deceitful, deceitful or illegal. Can a digital currency be said to be a scam or a fraud? Of course not. It’s just a completely different concept than the one we are used to. Cryptocurrency means “cryptography”. What you are going to read below is cryptography, the science of encryption, which allows both encryption as well as decryption.


To make more and more choices in life, you need to know more about your options. To make more and more choices in life, you need to know more about your options. There are many books that teach you about the right moves that you can make in life. The point is to know what you are doing and make the right choices. So, if you have an idea about how to play a fun and profitable game of digital world, then make a note of it, and you would be able to do it soon enough. Good Luck!

Don’t Live Your Excuses

Purpose of this post is simply to tell you to remind you to Live the Life to your fullest And stop Living your excuses.

People who are on constant complaining mode, who seem to be worried all the time and who are never satisfied with their life no matter what the occasion is; usually unknowingly living their excuses instead of living their lives.

Such people are always among us, living their excuses and they are never satisfied with their life. Some thing drastic is always happening with them and in that story most of the time they are the victims.

We all have to go through so much in life that we never realize of becoming such a person and honestly no one wants to be like that knowingly or consciously. But over the period of hardships in life, some taumas, or few bad and sad experiences and you fall into the trap of victim’s mindset and start living your excuses. A long time down the line and your forget to live your life fully.


If you ask anyone about what they wish for, they will tell you about lots of things. similarly if you ask somebody about their dreams, they will tell your about same lots of things.

But I want to tell you that there is difference between wishes and dreams.

You wish for something means that you want to get something without putting efforts and time.

On the other hand you work hard for your dreams to make them a reality.

This is beautifully said like this “Dreams are those which do not let you sleep”


Please work hard and make your dreams a reality.

Now think about what will happen if you do not work for your dreams.

You will not be able to achieve your potential. You will not get passionate about anything. You will lack motivation in your life.

And a life without motivation is not a life , its a HELL. You will be alive but you will not be able to live.

Another thing which will happen is that someone else probably your superiors will act like they own you and you are like their slaves. OR your friend will use you for making his or her dreams come true.

Almost everyone around you will try to use you and your talents and skills IF you fail to use them for yourself.

Your dreams are your dreams. Not theirs or anybody else. So everyone will most probably fail to see them as you see them.

But because others can see you they can judge you on the basis of what you are at this time not who you will become one day when you make your dreams a reality. So when others see you as someone struggling, hustling, frustrated and tiered they try to influence you, pity on you, belittle you or take you for granted as a no body.

You need to stay strong and do not get affected by how these people (people around you, your brother, sister, friends, relatives, boss, colleague, boyfriend or girlfriend, teacher or someone who you respect or admire) treat you. Because they do not have a clue about your visions, your dreams, your passions.

So do not let them control the you in you. Live the life on your own terms. achieve your greatness. If you get caught in between those who do not actually care for your but they demand your time and energy. they will suck your energy and they will eat your time that you will not have time for yourself, for your dreams. So be wise. Think twice before letting someone else decide and dictate on what to do with your time and energy.

I am deciding not to let anyone tell me what to do and how to do. I am deciding that I will not let anyone else tell me what to do and what not to do and when to do it. I am deciding that from now on I will not let anyone be my boss. I am becoming my own boss now. I will work on my dreams and I will make them come true. Because they do not and can not respect my time and my dreams. I will not waste my time and energy on your bullshits and dramas.

Happy World Photography Day

Photography is an experience. It enriches and enhances us.

Capturing the moments of your life and living in present , looking for the new perspective and a better view of surroundings , keeping a positive mindset and being patient. there’s something worth learning from this act of capturing the world and preserving our memories and that is — keep you focus right , everything else will be automatically synchronized.


What you think about anything in life, depends only on your ability to be emotionally in control.

People get angry. People talk a lot to the extent that sometimes it feels that the person can not control how much to talk and when to stop. Some people have no sense of what to talk when to talk and how to talk.

Some people are innovators , creators and game changers. Some people are leaders and some people are losers. Do you know why? Do you know what is the reason why some people are always in control and on the other hand some people are never in control? Some people are always happy and in control wherease some seem to be always unhappy.

One of the main reasons is their thoughts and their abilities to regulate the thoughts.

And Thoughts have power. But than a question arise , why most of us are not seem to be able to control their thoughts. Answer Because they are not aware. They do not regulate their thoughts. They live their lives on autopilot mode and their thoughts are the result of what they experience throughout the day. Thoughts come and go as the outcome of their interactions with the world. In other words Thier thoughts are largely dependent on the circumstances. Most of the people seems to be ignorant about the fact that they can control and regulat their thoughts in any situation and this gives them the power to be in control no matter what the situation is.

Why ?

I believe A nation with a youngest population can definitely become the superpower and world leader in almost everything.

But sadly a nation with more than 1.3 billion brains is not performing as per it’s capacity or potential. Than a question must come to  mind WHY ?  Everyone , each and everyone especially all political leaders and all corporate leaders should ask this question and try to answer it because you are not only responsible but accountable also. And if you feel indifferent about whatever this great nation if going through and already gone through than you must take the blame on your shoulders that YOU FAILED THE NATION.

I am writing this to let you know one of the areas where we as a nation have failed. Before that, I would like to mention one the reasons raised by Dr.Kumar Vishwas in a lecture. He said all the developed nations have a character and national habits and gives example of Japan. Japanese people are disciplined they do not go in zig zag when going up on an escalator. They properly make the queue and stand patiently. Same behaviour can be observed in the case of metro stations leaving or getting into the metro citizens themselves will act in such a manner so as to stay organized and systematic. This he called as राष्ट्रीय चरित्र and tells us that we as a nation have failed to develop a national character.

Now coming to the point I would like to make. We as a nation have more than 1.3 billon brains. But we’re using most of the products developed by foreigners. We are so handicapped that we can not develop our own products to be used in homes. Think about all the brands that you use in the kitchen chances are that most of them are either from Hindustan Unilever or ITC. From the FMCG brands to Luxury brands we as a nation consume and prefer foreign brands. We are losing our culture our secretes of cooking different foods in the race of consuming pizzas, burgers, sandwiches or tacos etc. We’re far behind in technology and Intelligence in comparison to developed world.

Think for a moment about the potential of this nation as a nation consumers or in as a market for the world. When Twitter came to India, only 1% of people registered on the platform in one year. And India became the 10th top ten users of Twitter. We are huge in numbers. That’s the reason we all should know why foreign companies want to invest and grow. That’s the reason why almost every brand wants the market share in almost any category. Our size a consumers is a huge opportunity for brands. But our size as unproductive citizens is a huge problem for us only. The problem is that were not that dumb as a young nation and our people are hard working. But We are working hard for the foreigners. We are working hard for make them Ritchie. We are working hard to make others hi tech. We are working hard to make new products and services for MNCs . We are working fard for others. We are making them innovative by giving our hard work.

And that’s what I want you tell you today. That a nation of more than 1.3 billon brains is failing to utilize and optimize it own brains. And that’s the reason why we are not growing or developing in a pace which we are really capable of.

Now think about why we as a young nation is not able to use our own potential. Why our young brains are not producing new indigenous product and services . Why young brains are not working towards developing this nation in a fast paced manner. Why we are not innovative and creative enough to come up with new and sustainable solutions for our own problems?

The Answer is simple because our brains are not where they should be. Because our brains are being used in something something else. Because our brains are not focused in solving problems and providing answers. Because we are living our lives as consumers not as innovators or creators. Because we as a nation is not providing innovative and creative atmosphere to our excellent and hard working brains. We are looting , cheating and exploiting our young brains and stopping them from being free thinkers and spreading their wings. Because we are corrupt and exploitative.